Thursday 22 December 2011

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

I think that this book is a true work of art, despite the fact that I have read this book millions of times (well 37 to be exact), so you might expect that I would be getting bored of it by now. However that's not the case. This book is so good that I can not put it down!

What is this instalment of the Harry Potter series about? Well, we start of the book on Harry's Thirteenth birthday, which the Dursley more than happily avoids. He gets a few surprise treats from them, which is quite nice. Then Harry runs away form the Dursleys and discovers the Knight Bus, which he goes on in order to get to the Leaky Cauldron, when he meets someone he didn't expect. When it comes to meeting the Weasleys, Arthur Weasley warns Harry about an escaped prisoner from a top-security cell in the wizarding prison Azkaban called Sirius Black, who is assumed to be after Harry. Together, Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione find out the truth, before it is too late- after all, the castle is surrounded by Dementors, and if Sirius black is caught, it's only a matter of time before he suffers a fate worse than death...

We meet a few new characters in this book, some friends, some enemies. Here they are:

  1. Marge Dursley- Vernon Dursley's sister who hates Harry with all her life. She owns 13 Bull-dogs, and is quite big. She gets a shock when she offends Harry, which causes him to accidentally inflate her...
  2. Stan Shunpike- The Knight Bus conductor. He has quite a thick tone in his voice, and is jolly and cheerful.
  3. Remus Lupin- The new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. He is very trustworthy towards Harry and his friends, a very good teacher, but with one secret...
  4. Sirius Black- The so-called mass murderer who escaped from Azkaban. Very intelligent, good friends with Lupin, plus he used to be best of friends with Harry's dad! He is also an Animagus (a human that can transform into a certain animal of his wanting at his own will. He has to of told the Ministry of Magic so he can be registered, otherwise they are breaking the law...) which is a clever disguise against the dementors.*
  5. Dementors are prison guards of Azkaban. Their sole purpose is to suck the happiness out of prisoners, only leaving them with their worst fears and memories. They use the Kiss, which completely sucks out the soul of the prisoner, leaving them an empty existing shell. There is only one spell that can repel them or get rid of them. This is called the Patronus charm (Expecto Patronum) and it forms a defence barrier of their happiest thought, allowing the Demeter to feed on it, not the person themselves. A true Patronus gets rid of Dementors, also showing their designated animal.
In this book, my favourite character is Professor Lupin, as he is very intelligent, knows what he is doing, and has a strong bond with Harry- this is due to the fact that he was friends with Harry's dad until he died. He also is very trustworthy towards Ron and Hermione. In fact he is very caring to all the students, and never seems to raise his voice. My least favourite character is Marge Dursley, as she is very stuck-up, and hates Harry as much as she would hate elephant's mess on her shoe. She is very rude and insulting to him, and especially to his parents, which greatly offend him, causing him to accidentally blow her up. She likes to say how it is and is very self-centred. That is why she is a nasty piece of work.

In this novel, we discover a new side of Harry, a more serious side. He finds out more about what exactly caused Voldemort to kill Harry and his parents in the first place. When he finds out about the supposed betrayal of Sirius Black, he actually wants to hunt down him and kill him. In the end however, he finds out that it wasn't him who betrayed Harry's parents: it was someone everyone believed to be dead, but wasn't...

I think that this book is very good, but not as good as the fourth book, so I would recommend it, but to a slightly younger audience too.


    Tuesday 20 December 2011

    Krakatoa- What happened in 1883?

    In 1883, from the 20th of May to the 25th of August, Krakatoa (a volcano lying in between the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java) gave off many major eruptions that devestated the people of Sumatra and Java. Nothing truly bad happened until the next day, when Krakatoa started having some violent bangs ands lava rivers come from it. Everyone thought it would be over, but it wasn't...

    The final Paroxysm happened the next day, on the 27th of August at 10a.m in the morning, threw 10 square Kilometers of ash into the atmosphere. It produced such a loud bang, it could be heard from 3,100 miles away- making it the loudest sound ever.

    And if this wasn't enough, giant Tsunami (Port Wave in Japanese) waves 30 meters tall swamped the Islands of Sumatra and Java, Killing 36,000 people. After that-appart from the fact that for the next two years sunsets around the world green- Nothing happened. Until...

    In 1936, A new volcanic cone called Anak Krakatoa rose from the caldera of Krakatoa. No one knows when the next major eruption will be, but we know one thing- It will be 10 times worse than before!

    Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire

    This has to be my favourite book of all time. It is written with extreme care by probably the most famous author who ever lived-J.K.Rowling. A novel full of adventure, romance and secrets- it is a book you can relate to!

    What is this story about? Well, we enter Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where we start off at the Quidditch World Cup Final, where Ireland and Bulgaria fight it out to win the cup. I won't spoil who wins, but all I will say is that it has a very unexpected outcome. Anyway, things are completely normal until a group of Death Eaters start to attack the campsite. All the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione come out alive, so no problems there. That's not the only unexpected event to happen in that book. Later in the book, we discover that the Triwizard Tournament- a legendary event that three schools take part in (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang)- will be held at Hogwarts. So on Halloween night, we find out who the three champions are: Viktor Krum (Durmstrang); Fleur Delacour (Beauxbatons) and finally Cedric Diggory (Hogwarts). However, Harry gets a horrifying shock when he discovers that he has been entered into the tournament. There is one question- by who? Harry has to face three tasks that will test his courage, bravery and his choices. After the Last Task, Harry and Cedric are both in sight of the Cup, when suddenly, the Cup teleports them to a graveyard. Harry witnesses a horrific tragedy, and then he faces his worst enemy for the first time, not knowing how much danger the world is, or he is anyway...

    We meet many different characters in our fourth year. First of all is Amos Diggory, Cedric's father who is very protective against his son, and very bold and proud. He may be a cheerful character, but he sure can be full of himself most of the time. Next we meet Ludovic Bagman (Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports and ex-Beater of the Wimbourne Wasps), and Bartemius Crouch Sr. (Head of the Department of Magical Communication). They have very contrasted personalities- Ludo is a very energetic, happy and excited man who never wants to see the negatives of anything, whereas Barty Crouch is a bossy, neat, important man who abides by the rules all the time. At the beginning we meet Bill and Charlie Weasley, Ron Weasley's older brothers. Bill is a cool, rebellious man who works as a curse breaker in Gringotts in Egypt, and Charlie, a man who loves dangerous beasts-especially dragons- and works in Romania against dragons. Next we have Professor Alastor 'Mad-eye' Moody, delusional ex-auror (dark-wizard catcher) who teaches the dark arts at Hogwarts. The thing is though, it is not actually Moody who is teaching Harry and his friends, but an evil death-eater on Voldemort's side...

     My favourite character in this book has to be Hermione, because this is the year where things get tough on her, especially with the Yule Ball on her shoulders. Who she goes with infuriates Ron badly- could their friendship survive this? Meanwhile, things at the beginning of the year weren't going well for Harry or Ron. As Harry gets into the tournament, Ron feels shunted to the side and kept in the dark, leading him into not being friends with Harry for two whole months up until the end of the first task, where he finally apologises for ignoring Harry. This of course causes a lot of stress for Hermione who tries to resolve things with both of them, only not succeeding well. She is more on Harry's side, yet she feels guilty for not being with Ron. Rowling does this to show us that even Hermione, who does her homework easily and is a know-it-all, can find things difficult as the years go by. I don't like Rita Skeeter at all, as she is a nasty attention-seeking woman who ruins other people's lives by finding out dark secrets and putting them all over the Daily Prophet, which either gets them attention that they don't want, or make them so unpopular that no one wants to go near them. She does this with Mr Weasley, Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid.

    I think that this book is excellent for children aged 10, to adults, as it has got bits of humour, a few tragedies and one or two fall outs. I love this book, as it is very cleverly worked out and it doesn't give out too much info. Do I recommend it? Of course I do!

    Rating: 10/10!

    Friday 16 December 2011

    Did you know poems?

    Boats sail on the rivers,
    And ships sail on the seas;
    But clouds that sail across the sky
    Are prettier than these.
    There are bridges on the rivers,
    As pretty as you please;
    But the bow that bridges heaven,
    And overtops the trees,
    And builds a road from earth to sky,
    Is prettier far than these.

    Thursday 15 December 2011

    Gifted And Talented Science

    Hello there, it me Dana from Science G and T, and I am writing to tell you about what we are doing over the next year.

    Year 8s in G and T have to try and design an Eco-friendly solar panel for the John Peel Centre of Creative Arts. The centre are trying to make itself as economically friendly as possible for a project to produce less Carbon emissions, and make it a healthier environment for people to live in. Quite cool if you think about it. That's not all though. We are against Stowmarket Middle School, who are doing the same project as us. The winning school gets £500 for equipment in the school, plus a chance to appear in the paper. Wish us luck, as this isn't exactly easy to do. Happy Holidays from me Dana, and see you next year!

    Wednesday 14 December 2011

    hi its my last day at this school tomorrow so i just wanted to say bye to all my friends here i will miss all of you and the school so much just remember all the good times we had   ;D.
    XXX Danielle P

    Palindromes (semordnilap)

    A palindrome is a word or a phrase that can be read the same way backwards or forwards. Here are a few examples:
    • We panic in a pew
    • Was it a car or a cat I saw?
    • Never odd or even
    • Step on no pets
    • Pull up if I pull up
    • Madam, I'm Adam
    • A nut for a jar of tuna
    • Race fast, safe car.
    Can you think of any others?

    Funniest joke in the world...not

    In 2002, after much research, British scientists identified what they call the Funniest Joke in the World. Here it is:

    A couple of hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are rolled back. The other man takes out his mobile phone and calls the emergency operator services. He says to the operator: 'My friend is dead! What do I do?'
    The operator says in a calm, soothing voice: 'Just take it easy. I can help. First, lets make sure he is dead.'
    There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The man's voice comes back on the line. He says: 'Okay, now what?'

    Perhaps that just go to show that there are some things you must never leave to scientists.

    How to...

    Avoid a Wombat's bum!

    Well that's an easy one- don't run after it! The reason why is because of the fact that a Wombat can run up to 25 kilometres an hour and can stop dead in half a stride. They kill there predators this way; the Wombat stops when being chased, then the predator smashes head-first into the Wombat's bum bone and its skull is crushed to pieces.

    Skiing Time!

    Just a reminder that it is soon time for some lucky year eights and sevens to go to Italy for their ski trip.
    It is from the 21st to the 29th of January, though it takes a grizzling 16 hours of travel including one spectacular hour on a ferry at night! I am really looking forward to it, as I to am going to this exciting place. I will write a post to tell you all how it went, and if (and hopefully not) anyone is unlucky enough to have any injuries. Lets hope for the best and see you soon!

    Christmas facts

    There was only 7 white Christmases in the twentieth century.
    The last time we had a white Christmas was in 2004 but we missed out in southeast England.
    An old wives' tale says that bread baked on Christmas Eve will never go mouldly.
    The 25th December was not celebrated as the brith of Christ until AD 440.
    Each year 34-36 million Christmas trees are made to cope with the demand.
    Between 1647 and 1660 Christmas was banned by the Puritain party.
    Postmen in victorian England were popularly called 'robins'.

    Did you know poems?

    And so the teacher turned him out,
    But still he lingered near,
    And waited patiently about,
    Till Mary did appear.
    And then he ran to her and laid
    His head upon her arm,
    As if he said, "I'm not afraid-
    You'll shield me from all harm."

    Did you know poems?

    Mary had a little lamb,
    Its fleece was white as snow,
    And everywhere that Mary went
    The lamb was sure to go;
    He followed her to school one day-
    That was against the rule,
    It made the children laugh and play
    To see a lamb at school.

    Did you know?

    Once there was an elephant,
    Who tried to use the telephant-
    No! No! I mean an elephone
    Who tried to use the telephone-
    (Dear me! I am not certain quite
    That even now I've got it right.)

    ICI vetrans

    Last Wednesday the school orchestra and Ms. Griffin's drama group went to the community centre in Combs and performed in front of old folks and some Mum and Dads. I went there and played the guitar and the whole of the orchestra played two songs you herd in assembely a few weeks ago at the end of the event.


    Christmas is near, only 11 days!! And with the last school day of term (as well as the last school day of the year!) on Friday, everyone is excited-including me! Just remember not to lose you head in all the excitement as we have not technically finished school yet. Just a reminder that term recommences on the fourth of January, so enjoy the holidays- while you still can

    Did you know?

    Did you know that HGV drivers can fill their lorrys up with up to about 500 Litres of Fuel.
    That would cost a FORTUNE!!!!!!!

    Tuesday 6 December 2011

    Hard work

    Yes, the school have actually put in some hard work, no offence. On the 7th of December, 2 groups that have been working REALLY hard will be going to ICI veterans.

    My friend will be telling about the overall trip, I think, whereas I shall spill the beans on the drama club. I thank Ms.Griffin who has been really working her socks off, or stockings, to give the best presentation EVER. The ICI veterans will be blown away, I hope.

    There shall also be a choir going, but I can't spill the beans on that, because I don't go.

    Funny Phobias!

    Here are my top 6 Funny Phobias!

    10. Hobophobia-fear of bottoms
    9. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia-fear of long words
    8. Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables
    7. Papyrophobia- Fear of paper
    6. Pogonophobia- Fear of beards
    5. Phobophobia- Fear of getting a phobia(my favourite!)
    .Did you know-
     Dolphins can swim up to 260 m. below the surface of the ocean, although they are mainly shallow divers.

    The Ant and the Grasshopper

    In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
         "Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"
         "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."
         "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.
         When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

    ICI veteran

    Good luck ,to everyone who is going  tomorrow to ICI veteran

    Did you know

    More movies are made in India than hollywood
    the smallest bones in the human body are found in your ear
    cats spend 66% of their life asleep
     Switzerland eats the most chocolate equating to 10 kilos per person per year
    Money is the number one thing that couples argue about
    Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs
    When lightning strikes it can reach up to 30,000 degrees celsius (54,000 degrees fahrenheit)
    Spiders are arachnids and not insects

    Did you know poems?

    Where the acorn tumbles down,Where the ash tree sheds its berry,
    With your fur so soft and brown,
    With your eye so round and merry,
    Scarcely moving the long grass,
    Fieldmouse, I can see you pass.

    Year 5 cathedral service.

    Today all the year 5's went to the St. Edmundsbury cathedral to sing some christmas carols including Celebration, Away in a manger and O come all ye faithful.

    The Fox and The Crow

    A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree.
         "That's for me, as I am a Fox," said Master Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree.
         "Good day, Mistress Crow," he cried. "How well you are looking today: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds."
         The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox.
         "That will do," said he. "That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future: "Do not trust flatterers."

    5 facts

    1. More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines.
    2. Hippo milk is pink.
    3. Women have a better sense of smell than men.
    4. The human brain has the capacity to store everything that you experience.
    5. Ice Cream is chinese food!

    Did you know poems?

    Buttercups and daisies-
    Oh the pretty flowers,
    Coming ere the springtime
    To tell of sunny hours.
    While the trees are leafless,
    While the fields are bare,
    Buttercups and daisies
    Spring up here and there.

    Weird Facts

    Here are a few weird facts that will make you confused:

    • Rabbits love liquorice(apparently)!
    • If you put grapes in a microwave it explodes!
    • A pregnant goldfish is called a twit!
    • Watermelon is a vegetable!
    • For the first ten years of basketball, it never occurred to anyone to cut a hole in the bottom of the net!

    haunted london underground

    The London Underground is more than 140 years old, 253 miles long and carves its way beneath London's most historic sites, disturbing what was laid to rest centuries ago. It is no surprise that many strange tales and ghostly sightings are associated with the Underground.

    Did you know

    A bear has 42 teeth

    Tuesday 29 November 2011


    Curvemotion was really, reallly fantastic. well, appart from the fact that i cant skate and i didnt really want to get on the rink. But thanks to Miss Wall, i FINALLY got on there. And i went round a lot of times. Thank you Miss Wall! Hope every one had fun


    Come to orchestra on a thursday lunch


     The Quagga, which was half-zebra-half-horse animal species went into extinction in the year 1883.

    Did you know?

    Cher Lloyd is booked to appear at the Pop Factory Live, Pacific Road Arts Centre in Birkenhead on Monday, December 27.

    did you know?

    A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first animals to fly in a hot air balloon.

    did you know?

    A small car on the road is the size of a heart of a blue whale. (that is big)
    and the length of an elephant is the same as the tongue of a blue whale.

    Sunday 27 November 2011

    A crocodile can never stick its tongue out of its mouth.
    Simon says Jump! No point an elephant simply cannot jump to even save its life.

    yes cool fact right?

    Tuesday 22 November 2011

    piggy on the railway....

    Piggy on the railway, picking up the stones,
    Up came the engine and broke piggys bones,
    'Oh' said piggy 'thats not fair'
    'Oh' said the driver 'i dont care!'


    Aylmerton was a great experience for me and my friends.We did loads of activities full of excitement such as spider web,acid river and zip wire what we had to make much. More fun activities to do there .My favourite activity was the spider web activity because it made me and my team mates laugh our heads off! I also enjoyed the lords of the rings adventure in Bacton woods because there were orcs and they squirted me with water!


    Kira Bland Y6

    did you know?

    A duckbill platypus can store upto six hundred worms in its cheeks.

    Say cheese!

    On the 30th November 2004 Vieux Boulogne, a french cheese, was named the smelliest by scientists from Cranfield university. Stinky! I wouldn't have wanted to be the one smelling it!
    Sleeping beauties! Gorillas sleep upto fourteen hours, a day

    did you know?

    Sharks are the only species that dont suffSee full size imageer from cancer.


    Aylmerton is one of the best experiences of my life; it let me have many oppertunities to try out things I have never done before. I would reccomend going to Aylmerton because it is full of exciting things to do like Climbing, making monsoon shelters, making a zipwire to go across water and many other amazing activities to try. The food is great too you get 3 courses for dinner and 2 for breakfast to keep you energy up for the fabulous activities ahead, And the centre is near Cromer beach so if you feel like going for a swim or go rockpooling for creepy crabs and amazing anenomes there is where you will find them! There were laughs and everyone enjoyed themselves, I mean who wouldn't!

    Thanks for reading,
    Megan Hayden, Year 6

    did you know?

    A cat can scare a black bear. The bear will run up a tree to save itself.

    about Aylmerton

    My favourite bit about Aylmerton was doing all of the activities at the centre like trying to get across a acid river.
    My second favourite bit was going to the 'Lord of rings forest'. My group got caught by two Orks. Lots of people got wet by them.

    by kyle patterson
    Good luck to the year 5 handball team.

    did you know?

    Have you ever heard of a sheep with blue wool?  because not that long ago acouple of animal breeders from Russia had claimed that they bred sheep with natural blue wool.

    Handball games

    Good luck to everyone playing handball today and on Thursday. Try your hardest to get the most points for your dream team!

    Wednesday 16 November 2011

    did you know?

    I’m A Celebrity comedian Freddie Star has been let out of hospital from eating camel.

    Tuesday 15 November 2011

    Did you know?

    Cheryl cole is going to reuturn to the x factor replacing TulisaCheryl Cole X factor

    did you know?

    Freddie Starr takes part in the Bush Tucker trial 'Greasy Spoon' (Pic: Rex)
    I’m A Celebrity comedian Freddie Starr was put in hospital and has only just came out. he had a alergic reaction from one of the tasks in the jungle.
    will he come back to the show?


    Year 5 football

    Well Done to the year 5's, 7's and year 6's. Hope year 8's do as well as you lot.

    Year five football

    Here is one of the many pictures taken of the yr 5s playing football. The results should be coming soon, so watch out

    Friday 11 November 2011


    Whos your fave? Come on MARCUS! come on MISHA B! come on LITTLE MIX!

    Tuesday 1 November 2011

    Open evening (part deux)

    Science lab cut backs
    Because of all the cut backs this year the science labs are down to the skeleton staff!
    Mr.Bones, who suffered an unfortunate accident when he mistook the instructions 'heat it' for 'eat it' when dealing with explosives and a pair of pliers, has been called back to work. Mr Bones unfortunately has lost a lot of weight and can be found teaching science part-time outside lab 1.

    Tuesday 18 October 2011

    Operation Christmas Child

    Laptop, new phone, top of the range games console. What's on your Christmas list? It seems a bit early to think about Christmas but your parents have probably started putting money away for it.

    Think of what you got last year because there are people in Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. who don't get anything for Christmas. They would be overjoyed by just a few small toys or even a pack of pencils. Operation Christmas Child are giving you the chance to make someones's year with just a small shoe box of toys.

    You can include pens, pencils, notebooks, yo-yos and anything you think the child of the selected age range will like. To celebrate the Olympics this year you can send sports equipment in the shoebox. I know for a fact that loads of people who live round there love football so why not give them a small football. Just remember to not include any war themed items, food or dangerous items.

    All the infomation you will need is in the leaflets that the school hands out or you can go to for your nearest drop off point.

    Open evening

    Fashion statement
    Yes, this is Mr.Scott leading the way for fashion. We even have suspicions that he'll be on Britain and Irelands next top model! Watch out...

    Gavin Johnson interview

    CMS reporter Charlie Allen caught up with this ex-Ipswich Town player at a recent open evening at school.

    Who was your best team mate?
    Steve Palmer and Phil Whealan. Still in contact with James Scowcroft.

    Best goal scored?
    Against Aston Villa. It was the first game in the premiership of 1992. Scored it right foot. (Usually left footed.)

    Shirt number and position?
    Left midfield and shirt number 8.

    Tuesday 11 October 2011

    X factor Random Poll

    These are the results for the X Factor Poll.

    In no particular order:
     Girls= 61%/ 16 votes
    Boys=24% 16 votes
    Groups= 10% 2 votes
    over 25s=5% 1 vote

    Combs Middle School

    Combs Middle School is the nicest school thay have lots of nice teachers and finally when your in year 8 you will have to go up to High School. they have lots of fun lessons like D.T and English and Art. you will make nice new friends from each schools

    Did you know?

    The third Diary of a Wimpy kid book The last Straw has sold up to 15 million copies!!!

    Did you know?

    The giraffe neck only has seven vertebrae

    Did you know?

    The Eiffel Tower is 324 metres, (1,063 ft) tall.


    1. 1,525,000,000 miles of telephone wire a strung across the U.S.
    2.A cat has 32 muscles in there ear each.
    3.An person laughs about 15 times a day.
    4.Only in Britian... can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance.

    Hi people we are having a Combs Middle School open evening blogger its going to be fun enjoy... from the press.

    Combs Middle School its the best school i have been to and it is full of nice teachers they are really nice and carling and if you have any problems they will sort it all out for you also lots of fun things to do try and come to open evening...

    Did you know?

    That smallest dog in world is 6 inches high

    Extraordinary measures

    Extraordinary measures is a moving film that is directed by Tom Vaughan and edited by Anne V Coates. It includes well known and brilliant actors like Brendan Fraser (The mummy, Furry vengance) and Harrison Ford.

    A father determined to save his children faces all the obstacles in his path and teams up with medical researcher, Dr Robert Stonehill (Ford). Together, they go up against all odds to try and find a life-saving cure for John Crawley's (Fraser) two children who suffer from a disease called Pompe before it's too late for them.

    Extraordinary measures is based on a true story and is inspired by the book 'the cure', a prize winning book by the writer Geeta Anand. This film is classed a PG and I recommend watching it tucked up on a lazy Saturday afternoon with a boxs of chocolates and a box of tissues.
     Rating 4/5

    By Megan Johnson.

    Did you know

    Mario Balloteli ( Manchester city player.) has 60 pairs of Football boots. All Black,white and red.

    CMS reporter's ITFC mascot day at Middlesbrough Football Club

    Here is CMS reporter, Charlie Allen, outside the Riverside Stadium in Middlesbrough just before he undertook his duties as mascot for Ipswich Town against Middlesbrough Football club on Saturday 24th September 2011.

    Following a battle well-fought by both sides, the final score was 0-0.
    Charlie met all his favourite players, sat with them in the dressing room and led them out onto the pitch.

    Did you know...

    The screwdriver was invented before the screw.
    by Rachel Davies

    Tuesday 4 October 2011

    Friday 30 September 2011

    Did you know ?

    Ed Sheeran is still sleeping on his mates sofa because, even though he has a number 1 single he has not been paid yet !

    Wednesday 28 September 2011


    Welcome to the new Combs Middle School blogger!
    Coming soon...sports reports, TV / music / film and book reviews, Interviews, 'did you knows', cheese and jumping jelly beans.
    Watch this space.