Tuesday 29 November 2011


Curvemotion was really, reallly fantastic. well, appart from the fact that i cant skate and i didnt really want to get on the rink. But thanks to Miss Wall, i FINALLY got on there. And i went round a lot of times. Thank you Miss Wall! Hope every one had fun


Come to orchestra on a thursday lunch


 The Quagga, which was half-zebra-half-horse animal species went into extinction in the year 1883.

Did you know?

Cher Lloyd is booked to appear at the Pop Factory Live, Pacific Road Arts Centre in Birkenhead on Monday, December 27.

did you know?

A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first animals to fly in a hot air balloon.

did you know?

A small car on the road is the size of a heart of a blue whale. (that is big)
and the length of an elephant is the same as the tongue of a blue whale.

Sunday 27 November 2011

A crocodile can never stick its tongue out of its mouth.
Simon says Jump! No point an elephant simply cannot jump to even save its life.

yes cool fact right?

Tuesday 22 November 2011

piggy on the railway....

Piggy on the railway, picking up the stones,
Up came the engine and broke piggys bones,
'Oh' said piggy 'thats not fair'
'Oh' said the driver 'i dont care!'


Aylmerton was a great experience for me and my friends.We did loads of activities full of excitement such as spider web,acid river and zip wire what we had to make much. More fun activities to do there .My favourite activity was the spider web activity because it made me and my team mates laugh our heads off! I also enjoyed the lords of the rings adventure in Bacton woods because there were orcs and they squirted me with water!


Kira Bland Y6

did you know?

A duckbill platypus can store upto six hundred worms in its cheeks.

Say cheese!

On the 30th November 2004 Vieux Boulogne, a french cheese, was named the smelliest by scientists from Cranfield university. Stinky! I wouldn't have wanted to be the one smelling it!
Sleeping beauties! Gorillas sleep upto fourteen hours, a day

did you know?

Sharks are the only species that dont suffSee full size imageer from cancer.


Aylmerton is one of the best experiences of my life; it let me have many oppertunities to try out things I have never done before. I would reccomend going to Aylmerton because it is full of exciting things to do like Climbing, making monsoon shelters, making a zipwire to go across water and many other amazing activities to try. The food is great too you get 3 courses for dinner and 2 for breakfast to keep you energy up for the fabulous activities ahead, And the centre is near Cromer beach so if you feel like going for a swim or go rockpooling for creepy crabs and amazing anenomes there is where you will find them! There were laughs and everyone enjoyed themselves, I mean who wouldn't!

Thanks for reading,
Megan Hayden, Year 6

did you know?

A cat can scare a black bear. The bear will run up a tree to save itself.

about Aylmerton

My favourite bit about Aylmerton was doing all of the activities at the centre like trying to get across a acid river.
My second favourite bit was going to the 'Lord of rings forest'. My group got caught by two Orks. Lots of people got wet by them.

by kyle patterson
Good luck to the year 5 handball team.

did you know?

Have you ever heard of a sheep with blue wool?  because not that long ago acouple of animal breeders from Russia had claimed that they bred sheep with natural blue wool.

Handball games

Good luck to everyone playing handball today and on Thursday. Try your hardest to get the most points for your dream team!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

did you know?

I’m A Celebrity comedian Freddie Star has been let out of hospital from eating camel.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Did you know?

Cheryl cole is going to reuturn to the x factor replacing TulisaCheryl Cole X factor

did you know?

Freddie Starr takes part in the Bush Tucker trial 'Greasy Spoon' (Pic: Rex)
I’m A Celebrity comedian Freddie Starr was put in hospital and has only just came out. he had a alergic reaction from one of the tasks in the jungle.
will he come back to the show?


Year 5 football

Well Done to the year 5's, 7's and year 6's. Hope year 8's do as well as you lot.

Year five football

Here is one of the many pictures taken of the yr 5s playing football. The results should be coming soon, so watch out

Friday 11 November 2011


Whos your fave? Come on MARCUS! come on MISHA B! come on LITTLE MIX!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Open evening (part deux)

Science lab cut backs
Because of all the cut backs this year the science labs are down to the skeleton staff!
Mr.Bones, who suffered an unfortunate accident when he mistook the instructions 'heat it' for 'eat it' when dealing with explosives and a pair of pliers, has been called back to work. Mr Bones unfortunately has lost a lot of weight and can be found teaching science part-time outside lab 1.